Sunday, December 18, 2011

Winter Poem, vote for me, cause im trill.

Watch the beautiful snow, sail towards the ground, it is like the white blanket of god, its beauty instills perplexity, they sail towards the ground, where in ages past peoples have gone about their normal lives, occasionally stepping out of the norm, the snow lands upon a tree, I was in New York in October and trees were falling because of snow, not even ducking with you, I used the word duck instead of profanity, for I would never disgrace the lovely blanket of god, if there is a god, I'll probably go to hell, but until then I shall enjoy a reckless, two-faced life I have chosen to live, I am lucky for I haven't dealt with major consequences in over 2 years now, I get away with way more than I should, which probably pisses god off, but I'm okay with that, because I don't believe in god, if the devil is evil and just gets on god's nerves, when I go to hell, I'll tell the devil we should make hell better than heaven, to piss off god, this will give me a good life, and I won't even get in trouble or be damned, for I will already be in hell, that is how I feel about snow, glorious snow.


  1. :) Shall we duel, Kind Sir?

  2. I love this poem Sohrob! It is so descriptive. Good job.
