Monday, December 12, 2011

The Literary Recluse

JD Salinger once stated that a writer needed privacy, and has tried to remain as out of the picture as possible, to much success.  He only comes out when someone infringes on his work too much.  He refuses to have any of his works turned into movies because of how bad the product was of when one of his works was transferred to film.  Besides that he has been "a literary recluse", not publishing a work since 1965 and not giving an interview since 1980.  I respect him and envy him for this, if one can be fulfilled with life and rich and remain out of the public eye they are living truly a great life, being famous is asking for someone to find the skeletons in your closet.  I want nothing more than to be fulfilled, rich, and incognito in life.  I did read in one source however that JD Salinger was a Terminator aficionado and that he had written 2 novels, several novellas, and numerous short stories of Terminator fan fiction.  I thought this was inspirational how art like the Terminator can bring someone as determined as JD Salinger out of their shell.

1 comment:

  1. Sohrob,
    Its nice that you used a source that hasnt been brought up yet. It gives us another view of Salinger that is very interesting.
