Sunday, December 18, 2011

Winter Poem, vote for me, cause im trill.

Watch the beautiful snow, sail towards the ground, it is like the white blanket of god, its beauty instills perplexity, they sail towards the ground, where in ages past peoples have gone about their normal lives, occasionally stepping out of the norm, the snow lands upon a tree, I was in New York in October and trees were falling because of snow, not even ducking with you, I used the word duck instead of profanity, for I would never disgrace the lovely blanket of god, if there is a god, I'll probably go to hell, but until then I shall enjoy a reckless, two-faced life I have chosen to live, I am lucky for I haven't dealt with major consequences in over 2 years now, I get away with way more than I should, which probably pisses god off, but I'm okay with that, because I don't believe in god, if the devil is evil and just gets on god's nerves, when I go to hell, I'll tell the devil we should make hell better than heaven, to piss off god, this will give me a good life, and I won't even get in trouble or be damned, for I will already be in hell, that is how I feel about snow, glorious snow.

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Literary Recluse

JD Salinger once stated that a writer needed privacy, and has tried to remain as out of the picture as possible, to much success.  He only comes out when someone infringes on his work too much.  He refuses to have any of his works turned into movies because of how bad the product was of when one of his works was transferred to film.  Besides that he has been "a literary recluse", not publishing a work since 1965 and not giving an interview since 1980.  I respect him and envy him for this, if one can be fulfilled with life and rich and remain out of the public eye they are living truly a great life, being famous is asking for someone to find the skeletons in your closet.  I want nothing more than to be fulfilled, rich, and incognito in life.  I did read in one source however that JD Salinger was a Terminator aficionado and that he had written 2 novels, several novellas, and numerous short stories of Terminator fan fiction.  I thought this was inspirational how art like the Terminator can bring someone as determined as JD Salinger out of their shell.

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Beloved Holden

Holden Caulfield is a character.  I actually felt a lot like him this week.  I had my glasses broken, and then was referred to as a bitch repetitively, but I didn't really care.  I'm different from Holden because I got out of this situation and am getting repaid.  Holden simply gets beat up repetitively and fails endeavors, like paying for a prostitute and not having sex with her, and then getting beaten up by her pimp and getting charged twice.  I like Holden for this reason, I have always had an attraction to people who live troubled lives, which is very bad for my health and for every aspect of my life, and is one of the biggest things that jeopardizes my future success, but thats how I get my kicks, without it I'd be less sane than I am.  I think without this slight bit of excitement I get from hanging out with these people I'd find no will to live, because alone I lead a harmless life, which is boring to me, because I'd have nothing but school, which for the most part is unbearable, i don;t mean to disrespect Mr. McCarthy, Mr. Solomon or Mr. Tsichlis, three teachers who have had long lasting influences on me.  If I was truly courageous I'd probably run away, for a week at least, but I'll probably never do that, which is quite cowardly of me.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

My Red Hunting Hat

Until recently in my life I wanted nothing more than an item to be very closely connected to or associated with, and for a time, I did.  From age nine to eleven I wore a number of fedoras, I tried earlier in life and developed unhealthy relationships with many household items, I cried tremendously and was mentally scared when I broke one glass in an identical set of four.  I have now tried to in a conscious way remove myself from many unnecessary earthly items.  I say consciously because I like many of them and enjoy owning them, but I try to depend less and less on them for happiness.  Now I believe that I want my name to be what I am recognized for.  I mean this in the sense that i want my name to be respected and I want everything I say to have integrity simply because I have said it.  I think this is far more healthy and that this will lead to me living a good life in every way. To connect this to The Catcher In The Rye I want to stand out from the deer by my name. I want to be able to recognize other people with good, respected names as well, and I want to surround myself with them and alienate ourselves from those who have names which carry a bad reputation.