Sunday, February 12, 2012

Let America Be America Again

The poem discusses the oppressed and the free of America and how really all are one, and how most people will go through different lives all in one life, the poem singles out how every race, even white people are weak, but later tells us of the dreamers of the American Dream, who, though still working and poor, are truly free, for they can, in time, do anything.  The poem then assesses the current situation, which nationally is very bad, for there is much disregard of the law and a lack of legitimate upward mobility, but it then reinstates hope that we will regain the American Dream.  I don't agree with this assessment of the American Dream in several ways.  I believe a limited form of the American Dream can be achieved, and that is of reasonable financial security, but happiness is never a guarantee, and the United States is becoming less of the hegemon it once was in the global scale, so that in itself hurts much of the American Dream, for no longer can Americans have that sense of national pride as being the best, for once they are no longer the hegemon they cannot even boast culture for the United States is so new.  The only thing the Unites States has is diversity, so the interpretation of the American Dream must change.  Also, I believe in complete relaxation of the government, as an agent solely to keep the peace, so I think that for us to have the highest potential for upward mobility, we must all be able to manipulate markets and commodities in an almost backstabbing way.  I think that gives the fairest chance to everybody, because then everybody has the chance to cheat, in a way that requires  skill.  I'm ranting, I believe in Laizzes-faire economics, and I think the American Dream as far as happiness is concerned isn't real, but exists only to have people work for something.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, but Wasn't America the first to really allow people to have their own dream? So why isn't it here now?
