Sunday, February 26, 2012

Memoirs and wHat not.

I read A Day to Remember, by Ivory B., age twelve, Illinois.  I thought all of the elements of story telling and memoir writing were their except for character development, but due to the short timeframe of the story character development would have a very minor role.  I think that besides the timeframe this was a very good template for a story, but the content seemed awful, even if written by a twelve year old.  The writing is alright as far as grammar and flow go, but everything that happens is really uninteresting.  The story was also missing a rich, descriptive vocabulary, but that is understandable on grounds that the writer is a twelve year old.  There was a lack of reflection, which I think has to do with the content.  The nature of this content doesn't have implications whether you ride the water slide or not.  There wasn't major reflection in any way.  I don't think there was a significant message in the story.  As far as story telling elements went, there was a show of voice and tone, although morals couldn't be seen because of the plot.  There is a surprising amount of imagery, for being written by a twelve year old.  The story lacked dialogue, but again, due to the content of the story dialogue wouldn't give any insight to the conflict, which is not present, in the story.  All in all, I think this is a good template, with the exception of timeframe, dialogue, and descriptive language for a good memoir.  This brought to my attention that a memoir has much more meaning if there is a sort of conflict in the story, if there is no conflict, then there is no significance to the story, nothing is bettered, nothing is worsened, everything simply doesn't matter past its literal meaning, which is bad for a story.

1 comment:

  1. I completely concur. Nothing significant really happened. I mean, riding the Superman could be interpreted as significant, but if it was, she should have went into it more. And you're right. Conflict in this story was lacking. Nothing unique happened (I waited for 90 minutes for that ride too! Not unusual.)But who knows? Maybe she had NO conflicts in her life...still she could have really improved what she had.
