Saturday, October 22, 2011

Father and Son

I believe the relationship between the father and the son in "The Road" is very wholesome, it is replicated very little in our society.  I think that this is bad, but however bad this is, this is the truth.  I personally know more people with weak, bad, or even non-existant relationships with their fathers than people with good relationships with their fathers.  My relationship with my father is very strange.  Both of my parents are married, so I see my father close to a daily basis, him and I have a very good relationship when family members, or his friends are at our house, but when nobody but him, my mother, and I are home, our relationship quickly dwindles.  I get very good grades in school, I have a 4.25 or a 4.0 GPA, but no matter how I do in any of my classes he only cares about my math, which is always my lowest grade.  I am holding a B in my math class currently, with 5 As and one other B, in all honors classes and I am on the verge of house arrest, I mean that sarcastically, not literally.  However at times we have a good relationship regardless of who's at our house, we normally see both poles over the course of a month, from very good, to very bad.  Overall my relationship with my father I would say is above average, but by no means the best.

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