Thursday, September 8, 2011


I am Sohrob, a lifelong resident of Chicago.  Both of my parents immigrated to the United States from Iran, either for education, or for political asylum.  I am passionate about most types of music.  Politics intrigue me a lot, and I am considering that as a potential career path, though I am open to many options.  When I was younger I played sports as well as music, though now I have to devote more time to my studies, because my future depends on them more than ever.  I am not religious, though I study it, just to understand what most people in the world hold so highly.  I am not a perfect human being, in fact I'm quite flawed, and I acknowledge all of my flaws because if I don't remember them I can not better them.  I don't take very many things too seriously, though I take honesty very seriously, because I have been raised to hold nothing higher than the truth.  I have learned recently that many more people than we'd like to believe and I try to make up for their actions by being the best human being I can, though I often find myself at a loss.  This is a very brief introduction to who I am, this is in no way my entire essence, so please, don't be critical quite yet.


  1. So why was this so beautiful? Lol, it was good because unlike others, you didn't talk about the obvious, you stated things most people don't know about you. Great job :)

  2. Sohrob, I never knew you were into politics.. This introduction was "outside the box" instead of just stating facts

  3. WoW, Sohrob i wouldn't think that you don't take many things seems to me you are a very serious senisble person. also what political field would you like to pursue? i think you would make a great lawyer....

  4. Not to sound stalkerish, but I've observed you a lot in English, and you would be a great asset to any area of politics. It's good that even if you are not into religion, you still want to know about it. To me, that's good. That's understanding the other side of the story. You are nice and are also a great asset to this school and this class :)
