Thursday, September 29, 2011

John Proctor: Heroic Stooge

In my eyes John Proctor is a hero and a stooge because he does things that are heroic even though they make him look foolish in the eyes of the community.  He also does things that are flat out foolish, but those are to be overlooked.  I feel that John's less backward ways of living and views on religion are very good for his town in the long run, because as history has shown us, religion has lost the grip it once had.  There was a time where all of the western world, as well as the middle east, was governed by religion.  Religion lead to many wars and even the dark ages, but now it has far less influence than it once had in our day to day lives.  The society in Salem still is in the shackles of religion, but John has dared to not attend church, and worse, adulterate.  Though I don't condone adultery (or do I?) I believe that this sin is one of the first steps towards lenience in the town of Salem.  John is a freedom fighter, as was George Washington, and even Che Guevara.  I think that the down side to his actions is his reputation as a bad Christian, because he doesn't frequent church, and the repercussion of his sins, which may be revealed later in the play, though honestly they could never be publicly revealed.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Religion holds us back.

I understand that religious is a very touchy subject, though I find it to have held humanity back centuries. Religion has done much less good for humanity, than it has done bad.  The Dark Ages were a product of religion.  The Dark Ages not only didn't allow humanity to further itself, it sent humanity backwards.  Innovations were lost forever, and 500 years were wasted in war, which left many poor and dead, and a handful of families ruling Europe.  Even after the Dark Ages many philosophers' works were stopped and some philosophers were even killed by the church for being "heretics".  Religion also belittles women's role in society, and the rights of women still aren't equal to the rights of men in many parts of the world.  Religion has also led to, or been basis for, many atrocities committed by humanity, such as the Holocaust, the genocide in Sudan, the conflict in Rwanda, a majority of the conflicts southeastern Asia, the Israeli-Palestinian war, and many others.  If humanity never brought religion upon itself it would be far better off than it is today.  Though religion has led to all of these troubles, it did, at one point, help humanity, for it governed people in ages past before there was a legal system to deal with criminals, or sinners.  Overall humanity would be not only better off, but in a stage none of us can imagine. imagine if we lived in 3011, that is how it would feel.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

arrival...there goes my neighborhood

My family is almost 100% of the diversity in my neighborhood, and my family is arguably white.  As I believe I've said my parents are both from Iran, making me Iranian.  I live in Lincoln Park, a neighborhood which is unfortunately predominantly one race, which is white.  Due to past problems and misconceptions with and of the other children in my neighborhood I have somewhat deserted my neighborhood and alienated myself from it.  Almost none of the people I surround myself with live in or near my neighborhood, there is only one place I hangout in in Lincoln Park, which is a store I intern at, which is run by asians, who are not the majority in my neighborhood.  My journeys outside of my neighborhood have  lead to me becoming very independent and has lead to me making friends elsewhere in the city, which I believe is good for me, because now I not only see my neighborhood, i see many other neighborhoods.  I make more friends, most of whom I ordinarily wouldn't have met, and have learned more than I ever would from people in my exact circumstance.  I love the fact that I have made all of these friends, and aside from the fact that I don't see them terribly often, there are no downsides to these friendships.  It appears that every decision I have ever made has had a net worth which has been positive.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I am Sohrob, a lifelong resident of Chicago.  Both of my parents immigrated to the United States from Iran, either for education, or for political asylum.  I am passionate about most types of music.  Politics intrigue me a lot, and I am considering that as a potential career path, though I am open to many options.  When I was younger I played sports as well as music, though now I have to devote more time to my studies, because my future depends on them more than ever.  I am not religious, though I study it, just to understand what most people in the world hold so highly.  I am not a perfect human being, in fact I'm quite flawed, and I acknowledge all of my flaws because if I don't remember them I can not better them.  I don't take very many things too seriously, though I take honesty very seriously, because I have been raised to hold nothing higher than the truth.  I have learned recently that many more people than we'd like to believe and I try to make up for their actions by being the best human being I can, though I often find myself at a loss.  This is a very brief introduction to who I am, this is in no way my entire essence, so please, don't be critical quite yet.