Monday, January 16, 2012

The american dream.

To me, in the last 60 years, the American Dream can be represented entirely by the 1950's middle class suburban family.  In today's world, that vision is slipping away and cannot be brought back.  It is a turning of the age.  The old ways must be rejected, it is a far more liberal time.  Half of Americans believe that the "if you work hard you'll get ahead" notion is widely dead.  No longer can dedication take you all the way.  We are slipping forward into a new form of caste system.  New cycles of failure are being created because of the gap in lifestyle. If people choose to, or are unable to dedicate themselves, they cannot provide for their children enough to rise out of that cycle, who in turn will be trapped as their parents, because of the failures of their grandparents.  The American Dream is a dying notion, now only those who dedicate themselves, have massive amounts of raw skill, and have the resources to keep up with society will be able to break the caste of the future.  Everyone who has the ability, want, and talent to read this should, and take this as forewarning, so they do not fall into the traps of the future.

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