Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Figment Gatsby's Imagination

On page 86 at the tizzop begins the sequence of which i shall transcribe Gatsby's thoughts into. That sounded like a mix between Yoda and I. This is where Gatsby and Daisy are awkwardly reunited at Nick's crib. I used crib because I'm trying to make slang more acceptable educationally and socially.  Please, pardon the slightly abrasive language.

Oh god, it's raining, this is no good.  I might as well knock on the door so I can meet my damn fate.  Where is he.  Finally opened it...bastard.  Oh god, this is no good, what type of an entrance should I make, I have to be quick, I'm there, dammit.  What should I say-it's actually her.  What do I do for small talk, I;m good at this with people who don't matter.  This is awful. She said "I certainly am awfully glad to see you again." What do you say to that, please Nick come free me from this misery.  Finally he's here.  I hope I look slick and am not just making an ass of myself.  I wonder what she thinks.  I'll be witty.  "We've met before," I said coolly.  I chuckled, truly an Awful Idea.  Damn clock just fell, but I caught it.  I need to sit down.  "Im sorry about the clock," I said.  "It's an old clock," this had to be one of the worst possible answers he could've given.  "We haven't met for many years," said Daisy, who probably can't stand me at this point.  I'll act like I care about her a lot, it'll mean something to her, so I said "Five years next November." This comment had an adverse effect.  Goddamn.  She must think I'm the average creep.  Nick's butler brought in a tray of tea.  I decided to let Nick and Daisy go at it to restore some sense of comfort.  Then Nick completely snaked me, he just stood right up, I asked "Where are you going?" You could tell I was in distress, and this man said "I'll be back." I said "I've got to speak to you about something before you go." Is the only thing I could say to get at least a moment to gain my composure.  He's going to kill me.  I told him "This is a terrible mistake," I shook my head, "a terrible, terrible mistake." This man said "You'e just embarrassed, thats all," he thought I hadn't noticed, dumb ass.  He then said "Daisy's embarrassed too." I was shocked. I asked "She'd embarrassed?" He coolly said "Just as much as you are." I then told him "Don't talk so loud." He then started baking me, "You're acting like a little boy," I responded politely, but pissed, "Not only that, but you're rude.  Daisy's sitting in there all alone." I silenced Nick's almighty ass and went back to Daisy with newfound confidence and assurance.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The american dream.

To me, in the last 60 years, the American Dream can be represented entirely by the 1950's middle class suburban family.  In today's world, that vision is slipping away and cannot be brought back.  It is a turning of the age.  The old ways must be rejected, it is a far more liberal time.  Half of Americans believe that the "if you work hard you'll get ahead" notion is widely dead.  No longer can dedication take you all the way.  We are slipping forward into a new form of caste system.  New cycles of failure are being created because of the gap in lifestyle. If people choose to, or are unable to dedicate themselves, they cannot provide for their children enough to rise out of that cycle, who in turn will be trapped as their parents, because of the failures of their grandparents.  The American Dream is a dying notion, now only those who dedicate themselves, have massive amounts of raw skill, and have the resources to keep up with society will be able to break the caste of the future.  Everyone who has the ability, want, and talent to read this should, and take this as forewarning, so they do not fall into the traps of the future.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Don't Front

Big L was a 90's rapper who was murdered in 1999, he only released 1 album during his lifetime.  His second album, named The Big Picture, was finished, but unrealeased at the time of his death.  He never got the love that Biggie and Tupac got.  This had more to do with content than skill, Big L is lyrically one of my favorite rappers ever, but his content is almost exclusively explicit descriptions of murder, selling drugs, and smoking weed.  Though many rappers' content is similar to this, Big L stands out to me because of his superior lyricism and the complexity of his rhymes.  Though the content isn't so complex he uses very complex metaphors which I love to find in music.  The song Don't Front is a freestyle of his which I love and have started to act on. When I sat to act on, I don't mean to act on violently, but I feel I can no longer be so forgiving and trusting of everyone.