Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thankful for a Classmate

The legendary Christian Cattan.  I could not bear this man's presence two years ago, but now he is not only one of my favorite people in this class, but one of my favorite people in this school.  I enjoy being obnoxious with him, and we share a rancor for some specific people who administrate our lovely school.  I lovingly remember his fabled fight between Christian and some kid who I very much disliked who used to be on Christian and my bus, but he got kicked out.  The kid picked a fight with Christian who fought valianty against him.  At one point Christian pulled the kids head down and then brought his leg above his head and kicked him, i have referred to this move as the "axe kick".  I remember when he supported me at soccer tryouts, something only a true friend would do.  He did not let me live down my laughable attempts at soccer tryouts well into november.  Christian's mom really does not like me for "faking" my manner around adults, which we both find hysterical. All in all, Christian is now a very good friend of mine, and I enjoy all of the classes we have together, and I have more moles than him.

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