Saturday, November 26, 2011

Directizzion the Clizzass Nizzeeds

I think the class is moving at a pretty good pace, I very much enjoy our class discussions, but I think it's pretty bad that about five people participate, two of whom are Kirkland.  I'm kidding, Kirkland is fine and has taught me quite a few things in class, but the fact that only five people in a class of thirty something participate is bad.  When people are forced to speak they think it makes them look cool to look like they don't know shizzit about what they're talking about.  I hate that, it pisses me off.  It doesn't make you look cool, it makes you look goofy as hell and stupid.  I think we should do more of the readings in class, not major novels, but reading about something and then discussing it, but I feel like you shouldn't let any of the usual suspects talk and force the people who think being a dumbass is cool talk, pardon me for being blunt about my opinion.  Might I add that the minority is far better than the status quo in this situation.  This is the end of my critiques of the class, I hope eveyrbody had a happy thanks giving.

Thankful for a Classmate

The legendary Christian Cattan.  I could not bear this man's presence two years ago, but now he is not only one of my favorite people in this class, but one of my favorite people in this school.  I enjoy being obnoxious with him, and we share a rancor for some specific people who administrate our lovely school.  I lovingly remember his fabled fight between Christian and some kid who I very much disliked who used to be on Christian and my bus, but he got kicked out.  The kid picked a fight with Christian who fought valianty against him.  At one point Christian pulled the kids head down and then brought his leg above his head and kicked him, i have referred to this move as the "axe kick".  I remember when he supported me at soccer tryouts, something only a true friend would do.  He did not let me live down my laughable attempts at soccer tryouts well into november.  Christian's mom really does not like me for "faking" my manner around adults, which we both find hysterical. All in all, Christian is now a very good friend of mine, and I enjoy all of the classes we have together, and I have more moles than him.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The other Mr. McCarthy.

I find that one of the most prevalent themes in The Road has been the relationship between father and son.  In one of Mr. McCarthy's interviews he said that most of the conversations in the book were taken from real conversations he had had with is son.  He seems to have a very strong uncompromising moral basis, and believes in luck, but is an atheist.  Though he seems to be a very kind man, he apparently is very pessimistic, not even in a depressing way.  In his conversations with his brother, who is very dear to him, they in more cases than not, talk about the end of humanity.  They do this completely in a complacent way, though, and not in a way which is at all spiteful, or sad.  Back to Cormac McCarthy's underlying theme of father and son.  He has great respect for his son, who he treats as an adult.  He has let his son direct a movie even.  I believe that though the book is Man vs. Man and Man vs. Nature a part of the book is Man vs. Self, because much of the book is about how the man only lives for his son, and to help his son, and now that it is clear that the man is dying, he is trying to teach his son the final things he will have to know, before he dies.